Good afternoon everyone!
We are now into our last week in Nigeria. The house is getting emptier and we are doing lots of goodbyes and farewell events.
This last weekend was all about Dan. In the USA, the term graduating is used for finishing High School as well as for finishing College (University). So apparently we have a graduate! Or almost anyway, the graduation ceremony itself will be on Saturday coming.
This past Saturday we had an event for him and two other missionary kids in his class, to celebrate their finishing High School. Head over to Youtube to see a video tribute we put together fro this event. On Sunday there was a baccalaureate service for the graduating class. There was a time of worship (led by Tim with a band) and a sermon and the parents sang a song to the students and then the students sang one back to us. All rather emotionally charged (and therefore not very British!) but also quite special in the end.
Looking forward, we leave for Abuja on Sunday 29th May and fly to the UK on Tuesday 31st so will arrive in time to enjoy the Jubilee bank holidays. Actually, on arrival, we will mostly be rushing around trying to find furniture, that is if our house purchase actually goes through in time. We still have not actually signed the contracts yet and so it feels like it is getting a bit tight. Please do pray with us for God’s good timing on all that and for peace if his timing is not what we had hoped for!
Some people have been asking us what we plan to do once we return to the UK. We will still continue to be supported missionaries serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators. We have tried to evaluate the costs associated with living in the UK these days and fully expect that we will find ourselves short of the support we will need. We are due to take at least 6 months to settle back into the UK and will take some time to rest and some time to meet with and reconnect with all of the amazing people who have supported us over so many years. As we come to the end of that 6 months we will be looking at where God can best use us next. That may be working with either the Africa Area team or a global team remotely (ie based in the UK) or possibly relocating again to another overseas assignment. We need some rest time and some reevaluation time before we will be ready to really seek God’s plans for the what next. At this point we are just trying to keep open minds and hearts to hear whatever God has to say to us.
Thank you once again to you for your faithful support to our family, whether that was in prayer or financially. God has used that to do great things! We hope that you will continue to support us as we continue to seek to serve God with Wycliffe. We believe that God still has plenty for us to do!
Please do pray with us for the following:
Dan finishing High School
Opportunities for Dan to be encouraged and celebrated
Dealing with emptying our house of stuff has gone well
The House purchase to go through quickly.
Peace and joy and hope in the transition, especially these next two weeks as we leave and try to set up a house in the UK.