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  • Writer's pictureTim Robinson

Prayer Update – 3rd October 2014

This content is over a year old now. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind and realise that not all the links will work. I'm happy to hear from you if you find anything that is broken or dysfunctional, but I may or may not be able to do anything about it!

Greetings to you all!

Nigeria is officially Ebola-free! We are delighted that there are no more known cases of Ebola in Nigeria. People are still cautious and precautions are still being taken but we praise God that it has been contained here.

Dan’s school, Hillcrest, has reopened and life is starting to settle back into a more recognisable pattern. One change is that we currently have a house mate. He is a single British guy who joined the group about 6 months ago. He has been suffering from re-current bouts of malaria and is now staying with us to give him a chance to rest and recover for a while. His name is also Tim so we currently have first and second Timothy in our house!

We mentioned in the last e-mail update that we might be looking for a new place to live. We have managed to resolve the main challenges with our new landlord and will be staying in our current place at least until the end of December.

On the work front I (Ali) may be going on a visit to Ghana in mid-October. I will be going to learn more about how things are set up at GILLBT (Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation) and about how both they and we are going to handle Intellectual Property and copyright. Although I am really excited about the possibility of re-visiting my childhood home I am trying to hold it lightly as there may once again be a challenge with obtaining the visas.

Tim is fully occupied with finances at the office at the moment. This is due to a number of things. September is the end of the financial year for us and as always that involves tying up all the loose ends and making sure all the books balance. There is also the challenge that we are moving to a new way of approaching the funding of some aspects of our work. This means a lot more work for Tim both to educate people in how this works and also to set up the systems so that it will work!

Praying that you are all experiencing peace and joy.

If you can, please take a few minutes to pray for us now. Here are some areas you could include . . .

Praise No more Ebola in Nigeria! Hillcrest School has re-opened We are no longer trying to move house

Prayer That second Timothy would be fully healed Visas so Ali can go to Ghana Peace and wisdom for Tim as he tackles the financial year-end

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