This content is over a year old now. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind and realise that not all the links will work. I'm happy to hear from you if you find anything that is broken or dysfunctional, but I may or may not be able to do anything about it!
It feels strange to be in the run up to Christmas when the weather feels more like a beautiful August in the UK. I definitely still have not adjusted to the different seasonal cues here. On the subject of holidays, we are thankful to be sharing an American holiday with friends this evening – Thanksgiving! One of the many benefits of living in a multi-cultural community – you get to partake in each other’s special occasions.

We are approaching the end of the semester at Hillcrest [International School] and my students are now deep in their final burst of projects. The subject that I teach (Computer Applications) is only a single semester course and does not need to be taught again next semester. As a result I have decided not to teach next semester. I could take on a new subject but the preparation time required (when I would probably only teach it once) is just not worth it. I have plenty to do at the office and I am hoping that the extra time I will gain there will mean that I can finally complete some of the things that have been on the back burner for a while. The main thing that I am desperate to get finished is our Nigerian Languages Database which will help to more efficiently keep track of what is happening in the different languages around Nigeria.
Our Director (Ian Hollman) is currently out of the country and so Tim is adjusting to a slightly different way of working. He skypes regularly with Ian and is working closely with the Acting Director to keep things running smoothly. The Hollmans are expecting a baby in about a week’s time, please pray that everything will go smoothly for them and that they will be able to return on schedule in February.
If you can, please take a few minutes to pray for . . .
Opportunities to be thankful with friends!
Approaching the end of another peaceful semester at Hillcrest
Safe delivery for the Hollman’s baby
Good communication between the leadership while Ian is away
Effective use of my extra time at the office next semester