This content is over a year old now. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind and realise that not all the links will work. I'm happy to hear from you if you find anything that is broken or dysfunctional, but I may or may not be able to do anything about it!
Morning All!
Why is it that routine is so hard to maintain when kids are on holiday? Or is that just me?! Dan is on holiday so I am spending more time at home than usual and yet my normal "home" jobs are not getting done. One of those being to write to you! So today I am making a bigger than usual effort to get this written so you can have some idea of what we are up to at the moment. As a result of the long silence it is a bit of a mammoth one, sorry!
Dan is on holiday and has been since near the end of May. He had a great summer scholars program for the mornings of June put on by one of the local schools. It made it possible for me to keep up with a fair bit of my work and gave Dan a bit of structured time each day. The biggest upside for Dan was that some of his friends that are home-schooled attended the program so he got to spend lots of quality time with them.
Tim is very busy in his now not-quite-so-new role of Operations Director for Nigeria Group. One of his triumphs has been working with the Finance Department (one of the Departments that reports to him) to help them get their systems fine-tuned and more efficient so that they can get reports out to people on time. Over the last three months they have gone from reports being two months late to being right on time!
A few weeks ago I had a great opportunity to gather some more information about a few of the 500 or so Nigerian languages. One of our partner organisations, the Nigeria Bible Translation Trust, runs workshops for language teams on a regular basis. Nigerian translators from all over Nigeria gather in Jos for training and to work with Translation Consultants to check the scripture they have translated so far. This particular workshop was for 26 language teams who were all working on the New Testament in their particular language. I was able to meet with 12 of those teams over the course of a day to gather a bit more information about those languages. One of the exciting things to see was how passionate they were about their languages, how much they valued them and wanted to make sure that others knew all about them and most of all how much they wanted to see their people have scripture they could really understand. One of the more amusing moments came when one of the teams decided that really they needed to give me a name in their language. When I asked him how my name would translate into English he cheerfully said "Potato" but went on to assure me that it is a very popular name for girls in his area!
Looking forward, I have been invited to attend a workshop in Kenya from the 7th to the 12th of August. This has all come together quite suddenly and as a result we are scrambling to get my flights and my Nigerian re-entry visa in time. The workshop will be training so that I can help with a really exciting initiative called the Digital Bible Library. The whole Bible has been translated into 18 different Nigerian languages but some may be out of print or hard to get hold of. Ideally we want these scriptures to be available online for free. The Digital Bible Library will be a storage place for these digital versions of the different translations that can then be made available through various websites like You Version. Of course this goes well beyond Nigerian languages, the aim is that all translated scriptures will be able to be released online.
I will be able to explain it and rave about it some more when I get back from the workshop so look out for that!
Praise Some down time for Ali and Dan Ali being able to attend the Digital Bible Library workshop Progress Tim has been able to make with the Finance Dept
Prayer Safe travel to Nairobi for Ali Energy and balance for Tim while Ali is away