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I have to admit, i am questioning a few things right now.
1- WHY did i play that stupid game last friday that ending up busting my leg? 2- HOW is it possible for people to claim there is a decline in the church when so many passion people in the business of planting and growing churches. 3 – WHY does premier pro have to break down on me in the middle fo a job???
yesterday was a LONG day. I met some amazing people. Steve is a wicked bloke. He works in all sorts of places that most us wouldn’t dream of. So many others to mention and every single one of them helping to grow churches in places or areas of communities that are desperate for more of Jesus.
Bishop Graham Cray is what i can only describe as a total dude. He is so normal. He is so spiritual. He is so intelligent and theological if you want to go there with him. But he also reads rolling stone magazine!! He shared a bit int he morning about our perception of church and society. How we perceive the churches positing in society and how we understand society will impact on how we do church, how we do evangelism and how we do church planting. my favourite quote was “People who state the church is now on the fringe of society, are assuming that there is a centre to our society. In fact we have more of a market place these days.”
I was extremely impressed with Pastor Ironguru who was subbed in relatively last minute. His message was simple. Go find out where people are, and what they need, and then build some relationship with them! Seems simple, but his point was that we shouldn’t plant a church just because our congregation is too big to fit into our hall. that might start the process of working it through but when it comes to setting up and starting out, you need to have basically done your research. nice.
However, my software died, i am to be honest feeling a bit like i failed, not vid for the last session, no final montage, because my stupid computer wouldn’t work right. I didn’t have much desire to turn up this morning, but now i am here, i am looking forward to hearing form Billy Kennedy.
CD’s are available of all the talks … get in touch if your are interested.