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I hadn’t really paid much attention to the flyer with regard to who was going to be speaking. I thought it was cool to find out that Condoleezza Rice was on the agenda. I thought, “YES she has been at the top, working with leaders of countries from around the world!”
To be honest, I didn’t get a whole lot out of what she said.
She is VERY much a born again Christian, with a strong family heritage of faith, growing up in Alabama during the segregated era. Through her time in office, it was Romans 5 that got her through the rough days — and she had a bunch of them: the 9/11 bombings, the 2008 economic crisis, and the Arab Spring Uprising. Many would say this is one of the roughest collections of global events in any period of office.
Condoleezza doesn’t agree. She thinks the 10 years after World War 2 had far harder days than she ever faced: the rise of communism, Russia developing nuclear weapons… and the list seemed to go on! She said that if a leader is to lead people in hard times, they need to remain optimistic. They need to hold onto the truth that every life is worth it, every life is capable of greatness.
I began ponder that even secular humanitarians believe that every life is worth it. So what? The idea is rooted in the Biblical truth that everyone is made in the image of God. For Christians, being made in the image of God makes every life worth it, and that is so much more than just being ‘worth it’. God loves every person, and doesn’t desire for them to be hungry, but simply feeding them isn’t enough.
Every life is worth it is our rally cry so that none shall perish without knowing God personally.
Every life is worth it is the reasoning behind our vision to see every person have access to God’s “ord in a language and form they can make use of.
Every life is worth it is not simply the nice people but the lowest of the low being worth it. The murderers, the rapists, the prostitutes, the terrorists, the Boko Haram… and it also your neighbour and mine, every other person you pass on the street, the parents you don’t talk to at the school gates, the new person at church no is sure about.
Every life is worth it, and every life is capable of greatness means, we should never give up until we have unlocked the potential of the people we work with, or the kids in the class or youth group. If we are to unlock that potential, they need to know their maker; they need to be able to understand the Bible for themselves.
Every life is worth it, so I must remain optimistic and I must draw my strength from Christ.