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So today 11-11-11 is wycliffe’s annual day of prayer, all the people working all over the world, in one way or another will take some time out to pray for our ministry. I am responsible for the prayer morning here in Nigeria, (part of my special projects for the director job) and so I want to invite you to be part of it! These are the things were going to be praying for Nigeria as a country – put together by one of the Nigerian chaps in our office.
1. Unity in diversity
2. Emergence of new strategies to tackling peace challenges
3. Church growth
4. There is hope for the country Nigeria
1. Peace, Unity and Progress to truly take roots in the hearts of Nigerians.
2. Corruption to reduce drastically to the minimum level in a mysterious way.
3. That the LORD will transform our Leaders or give us new leaders who are selfless in there service to the nation.
4. That the Nigerian church will truly be light in the world and not be influenced negatively by the world.
5. That the Nigerian church and communities catch the vision of Bible Translation and also take ownership of it.
6. That the Nigerian church will be more committed to Evangelizing and Discipleship of Children and Youths.
7. Pray that the church and Ministries will catch the vision and practice Integral Missions